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It’s an Inside Job

Posted By admin On January 26, 2011 @ 6:56 am In Reflection Topics | No Comments

It would be impossible to alter our life without first altering our thinking.—Unknown

If the life we are currently living is reflective of our current thinking, which obviously it is, then it stands to reason that altering our thinking should alter our life. However, that’s not what most people do. Instead, we focus on changing our surroundings along with the people around us and thereby make the mistake of looking outwardly to change rather than changing ourselves inwardly. On the rare occasions when we do look at our thinking—we look at individual thoughts and fail to take time to understand the entire process of thoughts and thinking. In other words, how does the thinking mechanism work? It is only through understanding the nature of our thinking that our inward transformation occurs. At this point we have also transformed our interactions outwardly, thereby changing the world. Changing your life, or changing the world—both are an inside job.

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