The Knowledge Illusion

People of intelligence shatter the illusion of knowledge. They are willing to try something that everyone thinks is outrageous and stupid~Unknown Breakthroughs take place when we slip through the illusions of knowledge with its glass ceilings and walls of thoughts, rules, and theories, when we think out of the box, in a new and revolutionary [...]

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What vs. Who

It is not who is right, but what is right, that is important.—Thomas Huxley Although this situation is prevalent in every area of life, it seems most obvious in the workplace. People seem more interested in blaming than claiming responsibility. For training purposes, knowing the “who” is obviously important to identify, so that re-training may [...]

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What if?

Lessons learned are the bridges with which to cross the rivers of regret.—Unknown My river of regret began early in life—I was convinced by others I depended on that, no matter what, I was always wrong and in the wrong. Wherever there was a disagreement between me and anyone else, I automatically assumed, because of [...]

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It’s an Inside Job

It would be impossible to alter our life without first altering our thinking.—Unknown If the life we are currently living is reflective of our current thinking, which obviously it is, then it stands to reason that altering our thinking should alter our life. However, that’s not what most people do. Instead, we focus on changing [...]

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Take the Time to Look

Only with wisdom can you see that belief in what you do—not see, can lead you see what you believe.—Unknown It is critically important to objectively observe our own behaviors, for therein lies the truth of who we are—not what we think we are, or wish to believe we are. The genuine you is revealed [...]

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To Be, Or Not To Be, Yourself

When people say they hate you for what you are, tell them that it feels better than being loved for what you are not.—Unknown Upon reflection I see at some level I realized this fact early on, which led me to shape my own destiny—even though it was clumsy and a bit self destructive at [...]

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