Take the Time to Look

Only with wisdom can you see that belief in what you do—not see, can lead you see what you believe.—Unknown

It is critically important to objectively observe our own behaviors, for therein lies the truth of who we are—not what we think we are, or wish to believe we are. The genuine you is revealed through observation and reflection. This is nature’s way of sending you a message about the person you are naturally. This journey of discovery is what is relevant and important to our understanding life. If seeing is believing; then seeing what we do can also lead us to see what we believe. We are all born with our own healer, our own psychologist if you will, waiting inside of us to help us understand our lives and behaviors. All we have to do is take the time to look.


One Response to “Take the Time to Look”

  1. Mederi says:

    It’s always been my belief that we grow spiritually from the inside – not the out. Certain events can provide catalysts however it is taking the time to meditate on these events that provides growth.
    Mederi´s last [type] ..What Is A Mantra

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