To Be, Or Not To Be, Yourself

When people say they hate you for what you are, tell them that it feels better than being loved for what you are not.—Unknown Upon reflection I see at some level I realized this fact early on, which led me to shape my own destiny—even though it was clumsy and a bit self destructive at [...]

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What You Can and Cannot Do

I think knowing what you cannot do is more important than knowing what you can do.~Lucille Ball I’ve certainly experienced the wisdom of this statement in my life. It’s been very difficult for me to learn in the conventional classroom setting, so I placed more emphasis on being self taught. I have no interest or [...]

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Welcome to Reflections on Living

Reflections on Living is one of the tools spawned by Learn the Lessons Technologies. Our hope is that by using this site; reading and reflecting on the information here, you will be better equipped to separate the oftentimes painful feelings of your experiences from the lessons they are meant to teach. You’ll be mining for [...]

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